Hope Fellow Center -221 Fox Street - Lemoore, CA

Pastor John O'Brien has been a licensed minister since 1989. He has served as Assistant Pastor in Coalinga, at New Life Tabernacle, and in Hanford, at First Pentecostal Church. He was appointed pastor at Hope Fellowship in June of 2016. Pastor O'Brien has dedicated his life to sharing the word of God. His ministry is focused on helping people move beyond just coping with life. He preaches and expects a life-changing experience through the power of the gospel as the Holy Spirit works in each individual. Pastor O'Brien is a visionary and believes that God has great things in store for the city of Lemoore. We invite you to come and be part!

Verse of the day

Matthew 7:7 KJV

7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 

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